- NCLEX eBooks
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- Why You Failed NCLEX And No, It's Not Because You're Dumb
Why You Failed NCLEX And No, It's Not Because You're Dumb
· Why Did You Fail NCLEX? This eBook explains the real reasons...and NO, it’s NOT because you’re dumb. This eBook’s goal is to help you avoid your previous mistakes so you can finally pass the NCLEX exam !
· Google Chrome/PDF eBook – Opens automatically in Chrome Browser or Acrobat Reader depending on your default settings.
· NO RETURNS or REFUNDS. Please understand that since this is a downloadable eBook, it cannot be returned/refunded once purchased.
· This eye-opener eBook is created for test-takers who failed the NCLEX-RN® exam. It explains the ways you answer the NCLEX-RN questions incorrectly, and provides you answers to correct your inappropriate style of answering questions.
· This eBook is NOT an NCLEX Review Course.
· This eBook is NOT Review Material.
· This eBook is NOT a Practice Test Questions Book.
· This eBook DOES NOT have Practice Questions and Answers.
· Preparing for the NCLEX exam is quite overwhelming if you don’t have a brilliant strategy. Practicing on review books and test banks could be time-consuming and might be of little help if you haven’t acquired the necessary skills in answering an NCLEX question correctly.
· As a matter of fact, scientific research has shown that merely memorizing, familiarizing, and even just practicing on test questions do not guarantee success.
· This eBook is an eye-opener. It goes against conventional wisdom and teaches you genius skills to answer NCLEX-RN questions correctly.
· Get instant access when you purchase this eBook, you will receive a CONFIRMATION EMAIL that contains the password to access and download the eBook.
· NO REFUND POLICY. This eBook is NON-REFUNDABLE. Once purchased, you will have instant access and therefore cannot be returned or refunded. You will receive a CONFIRMATION EMAIL with your password so you can access and download this eBook.